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domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Repost: Leviathan - Leviathan (1974)

Uma banda de hard/heavy-progressivo bastante interessante dos inspirados anos 70, também rara hoje em dia, nesse único disco, originalmente gravado em 1974, você vai viajar nas canções de intensa criatividade e qualidade.
A faixa de abertura “Arabesque" é bastante promissora, com um prog afinado, mellotron, Hammond, guitarras pesadas e um vocal que lembra bastante Robert Plant.
"Angela" é uma canção mais lenta, o violão serve como principal secção rítmica, destaque para os pianos. "Endless Dream" é a faixa mais longa do álbum com um clima obscuro feitos pelos mellotrons e hammond, a música tende a ser mais complexa no meio com crescentes sons de órgão / Hammond."Seagull" é uma canção com uma boa melodia e piano combinado com mellotron mais alguns riffs marcantes de guitarra marcam esta faixa. “Angel of Death” é uma daquelas músicas bem marcantes, na linha rock clássico com bons riffs de guitarra. “Always Need You”, reparem na intro de bateria, reparam?
Sim, não lembra a mesma intro de “In The Court of The Crimson King”?
E por ultimo “Quicksilver Clay” com os trabalhos de órgão na mesma linha de Ken Hensley (Uriah Heep).
Pelas bandas citadas e comparadas já da pra sentir que o álbum vale muita a pena.

"The opening track “Arabesque” is quite promising as prog tune as it is a mellotron-drenched song. Not only that, the mood is also changing as the music flows even though it does not sound like in a cohesive way. The vocal job by Wain Bradley and Peter Richardson represents what vintage rock music is all about. It reminds me to the classic rock music like Cactus, Humble Pie, Moxy, early Deep Purple, Tea, Mountain. The guitar riffs and singing style are true representation of classic rock music. “Angela” is a mellow song with heavy mellotron work at background and acoustic guitar serves as main rhythm section. “Endless Dream” is still mellow in style. The opening part with bass guitar reminds me to Styx “Castle Walls” but of course this song is longer in duration. The nuance created by this song is dark with mellotron as background and singing style. The music tends to be more complex in the middle with soaring sounds of organ / Hammond. “Seagull” is a song with good melody and nice piano work, combined with mellotron. The vocal work is really like Deep Purple’s Glenn Hughes. “Angel of Death” is a straight classic rocker with good (and classic!) guitar riffs. “Always Need You” opening drum work and nuance reminds me to King Crimson’s “In The Court of The Crimson King”. The album concludes with “Quicksilver Clay” which the organ work reminds me to Uriah Heep’s Ken Hensley."
1. Arabesque
2. Angela
3. Endless Dream
4. Seagull
5. Angel of Death
6. Always Need You
7. Quicksilver Clay
Bonus tracks (from 1974 single)
8.Why Must I Be Like You
9.I'll Get Lost Out There

Peter Richard Wain Bradley (baixo, guitarra, vocal)
Peter Richardson (orgão/Hammond, vocal)
Don Swearingen (piano)
Grady Trimble (guitarra)
John Sadler (mellotron)
Shof Beavers (bateria).

Postado originalmente no dia 30/04/09

2 comentários:

yahwehfrk disse...

Thanks for the album, but why is there 2 extra tracks?

Michael disse...

sorry, I had forgotten to mention the name of the two bonus tracks.

8.Why Must I Be Like You
9.I'll Get Lost Out There